

4th AMULET Info Day and Matchmaking

Registration link open!

Link: AMULET open call

What: The proposed activities should address the development and implementation of demonstration activities around technology and system applicable to exactly one of the Open Challenges publicly announced with this Open Call coming from one of the three types of lightweight materials (polymer-based composites, ceramic matrix composites and light metal alloys) for four sectors: automotive, aerospace & aeronautics, energy and building. Contribute to CO2 emissions reduction and resource efficiency in EU by boosting the role of SMEs.

Who: Micro-consortium of minimum 2 and maximum 3 SMEs.

Deadline: 30th of June 2022

Funding available: Up to €120,000 per project (up to €60,000 per SME)

More information: Guide for Applicants

Next brokerage events: 15th June 2022 à Registration:

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