AMULET NEWSLETTER - Innovative solutions appear as the AMULET project enters its final phase of implementation
After three years, the project „Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies united for Lightweight”, with the acronym AMULET, is entering its final implementation phase. It is an important milestone in this journey that started in September 2021. Over the past two years, 15 dynamic teams, each comprising two, a maximum of three SMEs from different sectors, have gone through the AMULET program.
- AMULET aims to help SMEs become more competitive globally by using technology expertise to create new and personalised products
- The 15-month programme boosts each team (a consortium of 2-3 SMEs) with up to 120,000 EUR and technical support
- In its third and final year, promising results include solutions such as new 3D printing methods and pioneering durable materials.
The „Advanced Materials and Manufacturing Technologies united for Lightweight” project funded by the European Commission’s Horizon 2020 programme, enables European SMEs to increase their global competitiveness by consolidating novel value chains for multi-sectoral industrial applications made possible by advanced materials and related manufacturing technologies as key enabling technologies (KETs), ultimately contributing to decarbonisation, and resource efficiency through weight reduction and cost reduction.
With funding of up to 120,000 EUR, the teams went through a 15-month programme to innovate and improve their processes, supported by 13 expert partners from across Europe. Find out more about the AMULET’s 15 finalists here.
To reach the ambitious goal of a decarbonized and efficient circular economy, lightweight construction was identified to play a key role. Thereby, the application of advanced lightweight materials such as polymer-based composites, ceramic matrix composites and light metal alloys has already enabled significant weight reductions while increasing performance over the past decades. However, the application potential of advanced lightweight materials that has been achieved scientifically and technically has not yet been fully exploited by small and medium-sized enterprises.
The trans-European project AMULET aims to exploit this innovation potential of SMEs through a cross-regional, cross-sectoral, funded knowledge exchange. This will establish new, pan-European value chains for advanced lightweight materials.

We are getting closer to the grand finale!
The AMULET project is fast approaching its finale. It is time to announce that we have begun preparations for our Final Event.
It will occur on 16-17 October 2024 during the 13th International Trade Fair for Composite Materials, Technologies and Products KOMPOZYT-EXPO® in Krakow, Poland.
The AMULET project aimed to harness the innovation potential of SMEs that were creating new value chains by supporting the penetration of advanced lightweight materials in the industry. AMULET focused on three advanced materials: light metal alloys, ceramic matrix composites, polymer-based composites and their applications in four sectors: building, aerospace&aeronautics, energy and automotive. During the final event, we will present the joint work on advanced lightweight materials and the results that we achieved.
Meet us at the booth D44a!
You will have a unique opportunity to:
- Meet with project partners and establish business contacts
- Get to know the assumptions of the project and what we have managed to achieve during its implementation
- Explore the innovative solutions of our 15 finalists.
All those who visit the AMULET project booth will have the possibility to meet all consortium partners, learn about the assumptions and objectives of the project, and, above all, meet our 15 finalists – various consortia from all over Europe – who have successfully passed all stages and completed their projects with the AMULET cascade funding programme support.
Stay tuned! Visit our website under the Final Event tab, where we will keep all the information up to date.
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