

Tjaša Parkelj won 2nd place for Best Oral Presentation

25th International Conference on Materials and Technology, October 2017, Portorož, Slovenia

Tjaša Parkelj from the Advanced Materials Department won 2nd place for the best oral presentation of the competition for young researchers at the 25th International Conference on Materials and Technology  (25 ICM&T). Tjaša spoke about different approaches to the preparation of Sr buffered Si (001) surfaces using pulsed laser deposition. She received an award  from the conference organizer Institute of Metals and Technology IMT Ljubljana.

The main goal of the 25 ICM&T was to establish a dialogue between the needs of industry and the research of the academic sphere, and it represents a platform for efficient transfer of knowledge from research institutions to industry. A special section dedicated to students is a long-established tradition of the conference. Young researchers were given an opportunity to present their works in 10-minute oral presentations including discussion as well as in poster presentations. 

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